1.The Policies Map has two main functions:
i) Policy coverage
It shows where site area specific policies apply as outlined in the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the Development Management Policies Document. In the key to each part of the map references to policies starting with the prefix "DM" relate to Development Management Policies, all others relate to policies found in the Core Strategy Development Plan Document.
Please note that any Neighbourhood Plans also contribute to the Development Plan and therefore these should be assessed separately.
ii) Proposals and safeguarding
It shows where development proposals are likely to go ahead during the Local Plan period. Where the principle of a specific development has been accepted but there is no immediate likelihood of it being carried out, the land may be safeguarded against other uses. Land is also safeguarded where an existing use represents a high quality business site in a suitable location.
2.The Policies Map has three sections:
i) Section 1 Landscape policies map sheets covering the whole of the National Park at a scale of 1:45,000 split into 19 tiles. The arrangement of these tiles is shown on the 'Policies Map Sheet Numbers' page. Each tile has two A3 sheets, covering the same area but showing different policy layers; one focussing on landscape character and the other setting out a range of other designations and constraints.
ii) Section 2 Inset maps where policies or proposals need to be shown in greater detail. These are either at a scale of 1:2500 or 1:5000 on either A4 or A3 sheets. The location of the inset maps is indicated on the Policies Map landscape sheets and listed on the 'List of Inset Maps'.
iii) Section 3 Mineral safeguarding maps are shown over six four A3 sheets at a scale of 1:125,000. Sheets 1 and 2 cover Limestone Safeguarding Areas and the associated Safeguarded Railhead. Sheets 3 and 4 cover Gritstone Safeguarding Areas.