Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Local Plan Review

Climate change. Nature recovery. Sustainable communities. Low carbon transport.

These are just a few of the big challenges that we need to address in a new Local Plan.

What is the Local Plan?

The Local Plan is a set of documents containing the planning policies for the Peak District National Park. The Local Plan is used to make decisions about the hundreds of planning applications received each year.

Why is it being reviewed?

We are legally obliged to review the Local Plan.  We need to check whether the policies have performed well, and whether they are still fit for purpose given the new pressures, challenges and changes in government guidance.

How can I get involved?

We will involve residents and other stakeholders every step of the way throughout the whole process. The approximate dates for the consultation stages are noted below.

What is the timetable?

2024 – working on the Issues and Options with the aim of a consultation in Autumn 2024

At the time of writing it is our intention to submit a draft plan to the Secretary of State by June 2025 under the ‘old’ plan-making system.  This is subject to change.

Latest news

We are currently drafting Issues and Options ready for a statutory consultation in Autumn 2024. The topics being worked on are the spatial strategy for the national park; landscape; biodiversity and nature recovery; cultural heritage; housing; climate change; economy; minerals and waste; recreation and tourism; travel and transport; utilities; Bakewell and shops and community facilities.  The draft Issues and Options are being drafted in consultation with our Member Steering Group.

We are currently working on commissions for a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, employment land and a Design Code.

We  are undertaking part B of the Sustainability Appraisal.


All the evidence and information that we build up as part of the Local Plan review process will be used to inform decision-making about new planning policy and be made publicly available here.

Population Projection and Housing Needs Assessment

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Summary of Parish Council Survey Autumn 2022

Thriving and Sustainable Communities definition - final version agreed with the Peak Park Parishes Forum

Stakeholder Workshops - Summer 2021

Results of 'streamlined' on-line survey May 2021

Results of on-line survey Dec 2020

Topic Papers

Responses to Topic Papers from consultees

Parish Statements

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