Outdoor Learning CPD (Teacher Training)

Please note, we are currently consulting on an organisational change proposal that may impact on the services offered by the Learning and Discovery Team. Therefore, at this time, we are not taking any further booking for education work.
If you are interested in making a booking, you can email your contact details to customer.service@peakdistrict.gov.uk and we will contact you in spring to confirm whether we are taking further bookings.
For all existing bookings, we will contact you in spring to let you know whether we are able to deliver your booking.
Bespoke CPD for your school
We are keen to share our expertise in delivering high quality outdoor learning for children and young people. One way we do this is by providing training to enable teachers to develop their own skills and confidence in planning and delivering lessons for their pupils, using school grounds and other outdoor spaces available to them.
We offer CPD sessions as a bespoke service to our local schools, this could be conducted in your school setting or at one of our three dedicated Education Centres. If you are interested in booking some training with us, please contact us for more information and to discuss your requirements.
Schools should be able to use their Sports Premium funding to pay for training which promotes outdoor learning for their pupils.
CPD Events
We regularly team up with other local organisations who are also working to promote outdoor learning, and run training workshops at conferences for local teachers and outdoor practitioners.
Details of such forthcoming events will usually be promoted directly to local schools, and may be bookable through our dedicated booking portal at Ranger Events (cinolla.com)
If you require further information before making your booking, please email Learning.Discovery@peakdistrict.gov.uk
Here's some feedback from recent CPD sessions with our team
"It was excellent value for money - I have never been on training at this price and was a bonus that it could be spent by sports premium budget. Frances was brilliant - so knowledgeable, flexible and friendly - very approachable - clearly knew her stuff. I also like the fact that it was run over 4 sessions and I could come back and see the same people. Small group was a massive bonus - which meant it could be personalised."
"Really great training, really fun and very knowledgeable leaders. Thank you!"
"It has given me ideas for outdoor learning and has made me rethink how to deliver sessions in the future."
"Thank you - I loved it and look forward to coming back!"
"My general knowledge has definitely improved - I have learnt some really interesting facts as well as activity ideas. I have learnt about plant and tree species as well as mapping activities. There are a lot of activities I will take back and implement with my Y1s as well as run a staff meeting for teachers in other year groups."
"I thought it was very well delivered and all the Peak District tutors and helpers were very knowledgeable and kept us all engaged."