Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice
The information that you provide to the planning service will be processed by the Peak District National Park Authority (PDNPA). We are currently registered as a data controller for this purpose with the Information Commissioner's Office. Our registration number is Z7027992. If you would like a copy of this notice then please contact our Customer and Democractic Support Team by telephone on 01629 816278 or by email to
This privacy notice explains how we use the information in the course of our work as a local planning authority. This work includes:
- Making decisions on and providing advice in relation to proposed development
- Dealing with the appeals process
- Developing planning polices
- Working with neighbourhoods on their plans
- Working with neighbouring authorities on strategic plans
- Responding to allegations of unlawful development
- Monitoring cases of unlawful development
- Entering into legal agreements, serving notices and promoting the best use of land
How we get your information
We process personal information that we receive directly from you (or via a planning agent acting on your behalf) when you submit a planning application or use the pre-application advice service.
We process your personal information indirectly when we receive notification from the Planning Portal that a planning application has been submitted via their online portal; or when we receive an application for development within the National Park area that has been forwarded from one of our constituent District Councils.
We also receive comments, representations (support and objections for proposed schemes), allegations of unlawful development and questions in relation to planning applications and planning policy via email, letter, telephone, face-to-face meetings and through the online comments forms and surveys on our website
Stakeholders may request to be added to our planning policy consultations list in order that they can be notified of future planning policy consultations.
What we do with your information
Pre-Application Advice
To allow us to provide you with advice in connection with a proposal, we must collect some personal data (for example, name, address and contact details).
We do not routinely publish pre-application advice, however, if a planning application is made following advice being given, the advice will be treated as background information for the application and may be published.
Planning Applications
To allow us to make decisions on planning applications, we must collect some personal data (for example, name, address and contact details). In a small number of circumstances we may need to collect ‘special category data’ (for example, evidence of medical history) to support the application.
Your information will be used for the purpose of registering, validating and determining the application. We process the information to make decisions about the use of land in the Peak District and we do this in the public interest. This is known as a ‘public task’ and is why we do not need obtain your consent or ask you to ‘opt-in’ to allow us to use the information.
All planning applications are processed in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. Some information that you provide is made available on the planning register. This is a permanent record of our planning decisions which forms part of the planning history of the site. Information provided in support of a planning application will be published on our website to allow us to consult the public on proposals and in order to maintain a public record of our decisions and the evidence supporting those decisions.
Your information will be used to contact you in the following situations:
- To provide you with an update on your application/enquiry
- To discuss aspects of your application/enquiry
- As part of a sample 'How did we do?' survey to get your feedback on our service
- To provide updates on consultations and as part of our policy making process
- To arrange a site visit
- If the application is revised
- If the matter is to be heard at committee
- When the matter has been decided
- If an appeal is lodged
- If the application is withdrawn
If you make a comment, this will be placed on our online planning register (accessed via the planning search pages of our website). We operate a policy where we routinely redact personal information before making these available online; this includes email addresses, telephone number and signatures as well as special category data (see the section on Redaction below)
We won’t reuse your details, however, your comment, name and address will form part of the background information for the application and will be viewable online.
Planning Policy
For formal (statutory) consultations, copies of consultation responses and the name and organisation (if relevant) of those making representations will be published on our website. Consultation responses help us to shape planning policy documents such as the Local Plan, neighbourhood plan and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). Anonymous responses to formal (statutory) planning policy consultations are not accepted.
Redaction (''blanking things out'')
We operate a policy where we routinely redact the following details before making forms, documents and representations available online:
- Personal contact details for the applicant - e.g., telephone numbers and email addresses
- Personal contact details (excluding the address) on third party comments; neighbours, objectors, supporters, received on a planning application - e.g., telephone numbers and email addresses
- Signatures
- Special Category Data - e.g., supporting statements that include information about health conditions or ethnic origin
- Information that has been agreed as confidential
Sometimes we might decide it is necessary, justified and lawful to disclose data that appears in the list above. In these circumstances we will let you know of our intention before we publish anything.
If you are submitting supporting information with your planning application which you would like to be treated confidentially or wish to be specifically withheld from our planning register, please let us know as soon as you can - ideally in advance of submitting the application. The best way to contact us about this is by email to
Information Security and Data Sharing
Your information is stored securely within our electronic planning system; redacted versions of your application and associated documents are published on the planning search pages of our website. We do not sell your information to other organisation. We do not use your information for automated decision making.
Your application information (excluding personal contact numbers, email address and signatures) will be shared with other statutory consultees such as constituent Highways Agencies, constituent District and County Councils, Parish Councils, Environment Agency, Natural England, Historic England and utility companies. We may share your application information with other consultee groups based on the nature of the application submitted and the area in which the development is proposed. We also notify local residents of the application in order that they can comment on the scheme.
We will sometimes need to share the information we have with other services in the Authority. We may also use the services of external consultants to support us in processing applications and representations.
We may also share your information with the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), other public bodies including the courts and tribunal service, Government agencies and external auditors and regulators such as the Local Government Ombudsman.
At the appropriate stage in the process, representations relating to planning policy will be submitted to the planning inspector or independent examiner for examination purposes.
We also send out follow-up "how did we do?" surveys to people using the planning service. The information is helpful to us in understanding how we can improve the service.
Your Rights
You have the right to object to how we use your personal information. You also have the right to see what personal information we hold about you. In addition you can ask us to correct inaccuracies, delete or restrict access to your information, or ask for some or all of your personal information to be provided to you or someone else. To ask about exercising any of your rights, please contact our Customer and Democratic Support Team by telephone on 01629 816200 or by email to
More information on your rights under the UK GDPR and how to make a complaint are available in our full Privacy Notice.
All planning applications are held on a public register and will not be deleted as they are used for the purpose of enquires in connection with land charges and property purchases.
We will only keep personal information for the minimum period necessary to enable us to provide you with the relevant service and to fulfil our statutory obligations. The information outlined in this privacy notice will be kept in accordance with our retention schedule (please note this is currently under review).
Transferring Data outside of the UK
We will not transfer your information outside of the UK, however anyone who has access to the internet can view planning applications on our planning search pages, or locate the details via internet search engines.
Further information
If you would like more information on how we handle personal data then please see our full Privacy Notice.
If you have any concerns about how we’ve used your personal information you can contact us using our complaints procedure.
You can also contact the UK’s data protection supervisory authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) using the contact link on their website. Alternatively you can contact the Information Commissioner in writing to Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF