Village Studies

A selection of resources aimed at KS2 based on Peak District villages. Read the Teacher's and Leader's notes first and then download the remaining PDf's to run the day successfully.
- Hartington village study - Teacher's notes
- Hartington village study - Leader's notes
- Hartington activity map
- Hartington aerial photo
- Hartington map 1890's
- Hartington church - interior features
- Hartington shops and services
- Hartington traffic survey
- Cheese factory redevelopment
- My view
- Photo challenge
- Shopping list 1
- Shopping list 2
- Shopping list 3
- Castleton village study - Leader's notes
- Castleton activity map
- Castleton aerial photo
- Castleton map 1890's
- Castleton map 1950's
- Castleton field sketch
- Castleton spotter sheet
- Castleton traffic survey
- Castleton view finder
- Castleton shopping list