Planned Maintenance: Planning software

Planned Maintenance: Planning software

There might be a slight delay in the checking and validating of planning applications for the dates of Thurs 17 - Mon 21 October 2024.

Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Fire Operations Group

Moorland fire fighting

Fire risk signAccidental fires can destroy habitats and erode the landscape.

The Fire Operations Group was formed in 1996 after a serious moorland blaze. It brings together a partnership of six fire services, national park rangers, National Trust wardens, water companies, major landowners and gamekeepers to draw up fire plans, oversee specialist fire-fighting equipment, raise awareness of moorland fires and the consequences and train for emergencies.

The Fire Operations Group...

  • carries out regular training exercises
  • monitors conditions on the ground in dry weather
  • setting up fire watches when necessary to give early notice of any moorland fires
  • publicises the risk of moorland fires with posters at moorland access points to advise and inform the public.

Where the risk of fires is exceptional, access to moorland is suspended. This is determined by the Fire Severity Index which is compiled by the Met Office and managed by Natural England.

For further information regarding the Fire Operations Group, please email

For more information on the fire severity index, please visit

Further information

Fire service websites

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