Green lanes code

The Green Lanes Code was developed by motorised vehicle users, horse riders, cyclists and walkers.
Please be responsible and follow good practice
- Be sure you can see or be seen by others
- Slow down and be prepared to stop where:
- Limited visibility
- Narrow sections
- Rocky, rutted or loose surface
- Sensible for other users
- Do not exceed maximum speed limits:
- 5mph for 4 wheeled vehicles
- 15mph for motorbikes
- Be road legal (tax, insurance, condition)
- Ride to your ability taking into account:
- seasonal changes
- nature of surface of the track
- Join a group to gain expertise
- Do not use roads too narrow for your vehicle
- Do not use winches
Group size
- Keep to a small group size:
- 4 for 4 wheeled vehicles
- 6 for motorcycles
- Hold back if another group is ahead
Please respect others & the environment
Giving Way
- Respect the hierarchy of use
- Vehicle users give way to all users
- Cyclists give way to horse riders and walkers
- Horse riders give way to walkers
- Keep to the left
- Leave room for others to pass
- Be prepared to wait
- Keep to the track
- Follow signage
- Keep dogs under control
- Travel quietly and unobtrusively
- Avoid damage when the ground is soft from:
- Cantering and galloping
- Weight of 4 wheeled vehicles
- Motorbikes on steep hills
Look after
- Fasten gates that you open
- Avoid damage to trees, hedgerows and walls
- Take litter home with you