Your community

We can help you . . .
The Peak District National Park is home to 38,000 people. There are challenges - for example high house prices, more elderly people and changes to how services are delivered. But Peak District communities are thriving and vibrant, meeting these challenges head on. And we can help. Email if you'd like to:
- write a statutory neighbourhood plan, a village plan or simply a 'vision' for your village
- develop community-led housing projects
- set up a community-run shop or broadband
Can you help the Peak District?
The Peak District is a beautiful place and residents are rightly proud to live here. But it is not immune to climate change and loss of wildlife. Residents have a part play here too. Email if you'd like to:
- create allotments and orchards
- develop small-scale renewable energy
- create new woodland, wildflower meadows or other habitats
We'd love you to share stories of village life on our Peak District Community Facebook Group.
Conservation areas
A conservation area is defined as an area of "special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance". The aim of conservation area designation is to ensure that this character is not destroyed or undermined by inappropriate changes.
Find out more about conservation areas.
Historic buildings
Listed buildings and traditional properties in conservation areas are given special protection.
We know this can cause difficulties, so we work with you to help you understand exactly what you can and cannot do.
Find out more about historic buildings.