Access Fund Annual Report 2018

The Access Fund was launched in September 2014 as part of the celebrations for the tenth anniversary of open access in the Peak District. The access fund helps to build on the legacy of access in the National Park with those who care for this special place for the inspiration and enjoyment of all.
The Access Fund is ring-fenced for access improvements throughout the National Park. This includes new and replacement access points, new and improved paths and access, signage and promotion of access.
The Clarion Ramblers £609
Clarion Ramblers have a long history of enjoying and campaigning for access to the Peak District moors with sales from the Clarion handbooks going towards the Access Fund to continue the work to improve access.
Terry Howard
“The Access Fund was launched at the time of one of the oldest rambling clubs in the UK, the Sheffield Clarion Ramblers was about to close. One of their last acts was to donate at least six hundred copies of the highly informative and collectable Sheffield Clarion Ramblers Handbooks to raise funds for the Access Fund. They have almost sold out and raised around £1,500 for the fund.
The Sheffield Clarion Ramblers and the later Sheffield Area of the Ramblers have a long history of campaigning and giving. From the early 1900s the Clarion Ramblers campaigned for public access to moorland and the preservation of the Peak District with Sheffield Area Ramblers continuing in that tradition. The mass rallies and demonstrations in the Winnats Pass from the 1920s helped give us the National Parks Act of 1949 and the long running access campaign gave us the Countryside and Rights of way Act 2000.
That same spirit of campaigning and giving raised funds by public donations to purchase Longshaw and Lose Hill (Ward's Piece) which were then handed to the National Trust to give public access to these areas in perpetuity. This act of giving is still alive today and is reflected in the handbooks raising money for the Access Fund which will benefit all people in exploring and enjoying the People's Peak District National Park.”
Sheffield CHA Ramblers £100
The Club held their centenary in 2018 with a special programme of events and walks to celebrate memorable places and people over their one hundred years. This year’s centenary donation was the third year of donating to improve access in the Peak District National Park.
Glynis Judd
“We are a very friendly club, with currently over 111 members. We pride ourselves on using public transport into the Peak, wherever possible, and we hope this encourages anyone interested in walking to join us. We are passionate about walking, have respect for the countryside and are great lovers of the Peak District in particular.
We would like to thank you for all the great work you do to keep footpaths, gates and stiles in good repair, making walking in the Peak District such a joy.”
Derby Nomad Ramblers £100
Derby Nomad Ramblers contributed towards the work being done to improve access in an area where the group enjoys and appreciates the access available.
Peak Walking Adventures £50
Peak Walking Adventures made a further donation to the Access Fund this year as one of their chosen charities to support.
Cath Lee
“I operate a very small guided walking business in the Peak District and love introducing my clients to its beautiful and varied landscapes. As we use footpaths across the area, it only seems right that I make a small contribution towards their upkeep, and am pleased to be able to do so through the Access Fund.”
Total £545
Donations were received from the following individuals keen to support access improvements within the Peak District National Park.
- John Thompson
- John Harker
- Sue Stafford
One person wished to remain anonymous but shared with us her memories of the National Park and why she made the donation:
“It was in memory of having spent so much time in and around the Peak District. From childhood onwards, driving past those big millstones, which indicate that you’re going into the national park, has always been an exciting trigger. They are so substantial, especially to a small child and so visible on the roads. Much of my and my families’ life has been lived in and around the park, we mostly walked but also played and paddled at Padley. Most family gatherings included a few miles walk in the areas around Blackamoor and the Hope Valley. On summer Saturdays, as children, we sometimes used to go to Froggatt Edge for breakfast, taking toast in a tin. Those days are now passed but my close identification with the Park will remain.”
Stuart Holmes £544.75
The life of Stuart Holmes and his love of the Peak District was commemorated by donations to the Access Fund for access improvements for the inspiration and enjoyment of all.
David and Hilary Ratcliffe £505
Family and friends helped to celebrate David and Hilary Ratcliffe’s golden wedding anniversary with a walk with a surprise ending. Their hand-made oak bench on the Miles without Stiles easy access route is a tribute to 50 years of married life, many of which were happily spent in these hills.
Stoney Middleton £789.09
A bridge at Coombs Dale went in just in time for the Stoney Middleton Fell Race, on one of its few level sections.
Path Improvements
Castleton £500
Last year, footpath surfacing and drainage improvements were funded by the Rotary Charity, the Highway Authority and the Access Fund. This year, the path improvements were extended and completed, with funding from Castleton Parish Council, Derbyshire County Council, and the Access Fund.
Peak Park Conservation Volunteers went into action to clear back vegetation along the path edge at Conksbury Miles without Stiles.
Curbar Gap
Home Farm Trust volunteers improved the path and replaced the gateposts at Curbar Gap in perfect time for the launch of this Miles without Stiles route.
Miles without Stiles Seating
Black Harry Bench £308.22
Golden wedding anniversary celebrations provided a new bench and a perfect resting place on the accessible route at Coombs Dale. This hidden dale is in an area once roamed by highwaymen, forming part of the Black Harry Trails.
Signage & Mapping
Mapping of Miles without Stiles routes £2120
Clear maps are important for our Miles without Stiles easy access routes. The mapping of 20 new routes was funded by Yorkshire Water.
This is the fourth year of the Access Fund following its introduction in September 2014 to improve access in the Peak District National Park.
This fourth annual report provides details of your support for access and the improvements that are taking place.
More access improvements are being progressed. Updates are provided in the Access and Rights of Way Newsletter and to the Local Access Forum, which provides support and guidance for this work.
Thank you for helping us to do more for more.
Contributions January to December 2018
- Groups - £809.00
- Businesses - £50.00
- Individuals - £545.00
- Commemorations - £1049.75
- TOTAL £2453.75
Expenditure January to December 2018
- Bridge - £789.09
- Path Improvements - £500.00
- Seating - £308.22
- Mapping - £2120.00
- TOTAL £3409.09