Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report

We have a duty to protect and conserve natural habitats and species of European importance in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (as amended).
The purpose of a Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) is to determine whether policies within the Peak District National Park Authority Local Plan are likely to have an impact on protected sites. The impact could be on a protected site, near a protected site, or some distance away a protected site but affect it by causing air, water, or noise pollution. The impact could also be on a site that is used by a species located on a protected site.
The HRA Screening Report has assessed the likely impact of the Issues and Options Report on the sites of European importance and has concluded that an Appropriate Assessment is required for the European sites located within the Peak District National Park.
You can access the HRA Screening Report (457KB)
The report is subject to consultation with Natural England (statutory consultee).