Green fields highlighted by sunrays through heavy clouds from Curbar Edge

Access land restrictions

access land

2024 Restrictions

You can carry out a map search on Natural England's website for these and other access restrictions. The maps are updated daily.

Public rights of way are not affected by restrictions on open access land.

Landowners' Discretionary Restrictions

Abney & Offerton Moor - Dates in May & June 2024  (1.7MB)
Broomhead Moor - Dates in August & September 2024 (1.6MB)  
Langsett & Thurlstone Moors - Dates in August 2024 (1.1MB)  
Piggford Moor - Dates in May & June 2024 (1.3MB)
Rusden Wood - Dates throughout 2024 (350KB)

National Park Authority Directions

Silence Mine, Great Hucklow - public safety exclusion until 30 April 2025 (571KB)

Fire Prevention Directions

The Authority has directions in place to close open access land when the fire risk is exceptional. These are linked to the Fire Severity Index. When these are activated, we will let you know which areas are closed and erect notices on site.

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