Customer service charter

We aim to provide an effective and efficient high standard of service to all our customers. Our customer service charter sets out the standards that you can expect from our staff.
All our staff will:
- be polite, friendly, open and honest
- treat you with respect
- treat you fairly and equally
- explain what will happen
- keep you informed and explain if there will be a delay
- wear name badges
- be clean, tidy and appropriately dressed for our job.
If you telephone us, we will:
- be prompt in answering calls
- tell you who you are speaking to
- try to deal with your enquiry within 2 working days
If you write, fax or email us, we will:
- acknowledge your e-mail within 24 hours
- reply to you within 15 working days
- use plain language
If you visit us, we will:
- always be pleasant and put you at ease
- we will make you feel welcome
- reduce waiting times to a minimum
- provide a courteous, helpful and responsive service
- keep our reception areas, clean, warm and comfortable.
If we visit you, we will:
- always have identification and inform you of the nature of our visit.
What we expect from you:
- we will not tolerate rude or abusive behaviour towards any of our staff.
Customer Service Charter (93KB)