What you can do for wildlife

In your garden
- Garden for wildlife - grow flowers to attract bumble and honey bees; leave untidy areas for hedgehogs; dig a pond to attract wildlife; put up bird and bug boxes
- Don’t buy peat - or peat-based products for your garden or house plants – compost your food and garden waste to make your own fertiliser
- Go native - plant hedges of native flowering and berry-bearing species
- Avoid buying or planting invasive non-native species.
In your spare time
- Go on a guided walk led by the National Park Rangers or the Wildlife Trusts to find out more about the area and its wildlife
- Become a conservation volunteer
- Get involved in landscape and wildlife conservation projects in your area
- Support conservation charities
- Join in with national and local wildlife recording schemes
- Explore and enjoy the wildlife around you
- Kids can find out more about wildlife with the RSPB.
At home or away
- Buy local products such as food, gifts and products that help look after the environment. Look out for producers who hold the Peak District Environmental Quality Mark
- Buy sustainably produced woodfuel for your woodburning stove or open fire
- Help tackle climate change: cut your energy use; insulate your home; turn the thermostat down one degree; don’t leave electrical appliances on stand-by; choose a low-emission car; car share, use public transport, cycle or walk
- Conserve water, especially in the summer
- Be aware of legislation and planning guidance (451KB) which is in place to protect biodiversity, you may need a protected species survey for your planning application.
If you are a farmer or landowner
- Get support to manage your land to enhance biodiversity through agri-environment schemes
- Get advice and support from the Peak District Land Management Advisory Service at the Agricultural Business Centre in Bakewell every Monday 9.30am- 3.30pm, telephone 01629 816270, or email farming@peakdistrict.gov.uk.
As a business
- Think about how you can integrate consideration for biodiversity into your day-to-day operation
- Consider producing a Company Biodiversity Action Plan.
Use the above links for factsheets or sources of more information.