Public Meetings

Peak District National Park Authority Public Meeting Glossop
15 July 2004
Bradbury Community House
Attendance: approximately
40 people
Issues raised by members of the public:
Who is the Highway Authority for this area?
Tony Hams:
Derbyshire County
except for the motorways
There are seven highway authorities in the
National Park. The Peak District National Park Authority has some influence and we believe we have a
good relationship with Derbyshire County Council.
What's happening with road maintenance especially the Snake Road? There is 5ft high bracken up to the tarmac. I have already raised this with John Bull.
John Bull:
Confirmed this and he said he would ensure the query is followed up.
What progress has been made with the biodiversity action plan?
Tony Hams:
Could not give specifics but was aware of plans to extend outside NP boundary e.g. lead rakes and hay meadows.
Adrian Brown:
Moors for the Future has contributed massively to the plan.
to be followed up post meeting.
Reference the Spur Road plan through the green belt. What's NPA doing? Where will the transport go?
Tony Hams:
The National Park Authority are influencing the plans of the Mottram Bypass.
Adrian Brown:
There will be / is a public inquiry on the A1628 and Glossop Spur which is the responsibility of the Minister. The National Park Authority will be voicing their concerns regarding the impact on the environment.
Why is the NPA supporting the bypass? When pollution in the Park will increase - affecting the reservoirs and quality of water; increase traffic especially lorries; increase land slippage; cause leaching of peat and increase the ozone layer in sunny weather?
Tony Hams:
Agree, absolutely. A bypass which brings greater traffic will not be encouraged.
How can this be the case, when already people have been asked to tender for the work?
Adrian Brown:
Very difficult area. To put it in context the impetus arose
the community through public consultation. Over 80% of people consulted said they supported the scheme
(highest response received for a scheme of this kind). This was two consultations two years ago, based
in Glossop.
Reference tenders it is now government practice to ask
contractors to tender prior to work being approved.
90% of people travel in to the Park by car. Why not coach parks as opposed to car parks?
Derbyshire County Council endeavour to provide public transport options. A new Chatsworth bus route has recently launched.
All the guidelines provided by the National Park Authority on the bypass have been refuted and yet the Authority is seen to be doing nothing.
Tony Hams:
We will re-consider if we do not get the environmental measures.
Too many jobs have disappeared. Is the NPA using its influence to create more jobs? Rather than spending money on expensive barristers
Tony Hams:
We approve 82% of our planning applications.
Jim Dixon:
Planners do consult and gather information and then balance
in relation to policy. We don't use barristers unless we have to. We do employ lawyers and we do defend
cases e.g. quarries. We don't use them to brow beat or bully!
We have
been pushed recently due to an increase in planning applications and this has at times affected out
'bedside manner' and we are addressing this.
We do support local businesses
e.g. New Environmental Economy project and have supported local enterprises such as Metrics butcher
in Glossop.
We work with other partners and organisations - business
links and Citizen Council. We are not anti- but very pro-business.
We do try to safeguard local businesses where possible e.g. Station Yard, Hathersage, Furney House, Bakewell, yet we received no response from the local community. We have approved business sites and we would like to see more sites proposed.
CAP? What are we going to do when all the farmers' businesses go bust?
Jim Dixon:
are not happy with it. Margaret Beckett chose it and agreed to a consensus by the NFU which did not
comply with hill farmers' views in this area.
It is a step change over
an 8 year period and there will be a review after 4 years.
Hill farmers produce the landscape - so give it back through agri-environment schemes and look at alternatives to help manage the land through holiday lets, business farms and other diversification options.
Do they want a wilderness?
Jim Dixon:
We want the farmers to manage the land.
United Utilities are heavy handed dealing with trees which may in 20 years affect the power lines. They could prune rather than cut and remove the trees. If you have old trees on your land can you not find money to help prune and conserve?
Contact our Forestry Officers who will be able to help.
Why are rail link developments not proceeding? Political will?
Tony Hams:
National Park Authority only has 10m budget we can only try and influence transport decisions.
What about the people who will lose their homes if the bypass goes through? Compensation is not important. What about human rights?
Tony Hams:
The inspector at the Inquiry will decide. The National Park Authority will exert influence on the Public Inquiry.
How much influence does the National Park Authority have on the section of the bypass which goes through the NP?
Jim Dixon:
The decision is the highway authorities'. We will have a
voice. The Mottram / Tintwistle bypass proposal will be one of the most important decisions we take
in the next five years.
We will be a key voice but not a deciding voice.
Has your biodiversity action plan suffered because of the road scheme plans?
The proposed schemes would involve running across formally designated conservation sites which are very important to us. The schemes will have to demonstrate that they will not affect the environment.
How can you agree a bypass through a nature reserve?
Tony Hams:
We have not received a firm proposal, so we don't know the decision or outcome.
The road leading to Crowden will have more traffic?
Tony Hams:
All factors will be taken into account.
I have heard that people living in Manchester have been able to buy 'affordable housing'.
The person buying affordable housing has to sign they are eligible e.g. lived in National Park and Parish for 10 years and that they have a job in the area or are starting a family.
What plans have the NPA in place to introduce additional housing?
Jim Dixon:
National Park Authority allocation is zero. Therefore, any proposal is an exception.
have agreed in a new policy to ensure the population in the National Park is maintained.
third of housing approved over the last 10 years has been used for affordable housing. Over the next
10 years should we increase this? Huge estates in the National Park are not the answer. However, where
communities have identified a need they will be considered.
Mike Crompton, Parish Council, Hayfield: In Germany when planning a new development they firstly plan their transport links. Manchester and Sheffield are two major towns we need to rethink as a country a new integrated transport system.
Tony Hams:
Absolutely agree.
You need a good website showing how people can get to the Peak District. One place. I wanted to organise a trip from the Lake District to the Peak District and could not find all the information in one place.
Derbyshire County Council has a good website with transport information and there is also Glossop information centre. Plus, there is a new national portal being developed for all National Parks.
Why not use a tunnel through the Park?
Tony Hams:
The National Park Authority has always stated that any road schemes must deal with the nature reserves issue. One way of overcoming this is through using a tunnel.
Audience comment motorists pay one seventh of all taxes. The government will not change on transport.
Tony Hams:
It is a national debate. Fuel is too cheap.
What plans have we for dealing with pollution?
Jim Dixon:
There are a number of pollutants. We have a big problem with air pollution due to cars, lorries and aeroplanes. Our ecologists are working with Manchester Airport to monitor pollution.
Tony Hams:
In summary, when we consider the protection of the landscape environmental issues are paramount.
Please note that the comments raised by members of the public attending the meetings are not necessarily the views of the Peak District National Park Authority. All comments will be fed into the consultation process.