Public participation scheme

The Authority's public participation scheme exists to ensure that the views of the public are known to the Authority and its committees and sub-committees when making decisions.
At any public meeting of the Authority you are welcome to make a representation, ask a question, make a statement and present a deputation or petition.
The procedures are set out below for guidance, but the chair of the meeting has discretion to vary the procedures if necessary for the effective running of the meeting.
A summary of the scheme is provided below or see Peak District National Park Authority public participation scheme for full details.
Scheme summary
- People are welcome to make their views known, ask a question, make a statement or present deputations or petitions at any meeting of the Authority, its committees* and sub-committees.
- They must give us notice by contacting the Democratic & Legal Support Team before the deadline of 12 noon two working days before the meeting.
- They must give their name, address and phone-number, subject on which they wish to speak and whether they support or oppose the recommendation in the committee report.
- Maximum time allocated for public speakers on any one agenda item is one hour, with speakers given three minutes each.
- Therefore the maximum number of speakers on any one item is 15.
- Councillors, planning applicants and statutory consultees who apply to speak will be prioritised. The remaining places will be allocated by drawing lots up to the limit of 15.
- If some support and some oppose the recommendation, places will be allocated to ensure each view is represented by at least one speaker.
- Speakers should avoid repeating points made by another speaker, or they may be stopped.
- Speakers may answer questions or clarify points at the discretion of the chair.
- By participating in the meeting, speakers consent to use a microphone and to have their contributions recorded, to be published and retained at the discretion of the Authority.
*This public participation scheme does not apply to site visits by members of the Planning committee or the Audit, resources and performance committee.
If you want further information on the scheme or wish to give notice to speak please contact us in one of the following ways:
- By attendance in person at the National Park Office, Aldern House, Baslow Road Bakewell, Derbyshire, DE45 1AE. (8:45am to 5:00pm Mondays to Fridays).
- In writing to the above address.
- By telephone to the Democratic and Legal Support Team (01629 816362 or 01629 816382). A voice mail system is in operation where messages can be left outside office hours or if the telephone is engaged.
- By e-mail addressed to