Historic farmsteads guidance

Historic farmsteads make a significant and valued contribution to the Peak District's rich and distinctive heritage.
The Peak District Historic Farmsteads Guidance aims to inform and achieve the sustainable development of historic farmsteads, through their conservation and enhancement. It will also be of interest to those with an interest in the history and character of the Peak District’s landscape, settlements and historic buildings.
The guidance includes:
Peak District Farmsteads Character Statement
This document provides illustrated guidance on the character and significance of the Peak District’s traditional farmsteads and buildings, based on the three main National Character Areas within the Peak District (the White Peak, Dark Peak and South West Peak). It provides an essential evidence base for decision-making and development in context. It will also inform those with an interest in the history and character of its landscape, settlements and historic buildings.
- Farmsteads Character Statement (6.66MB)
Peak District Farmsteads Assessment Framework
This document provides a step-by-step approach to help owners and applicants consider the potential for change of their traditional farmsteads and buildings before any application for planning permission, and to inform any scheme as it develops.
Farmstead and Landscape Statements
Illustrated and expanded statements about the three main National Character Areas introduced in the Character Statement, based on the landscape character descriptions by Natural England. Each statement provides information about the landscape character, the types of farmstead found in each area and their historical development.
- Dark Peak Character Statement (11.1MB)
- White Peak Character Statement (5.7MB)
- South West Peak Character Statement (4.2MB)
Peak District Farmsteads and Landscapes Project Report
A summary of the overall results of mapping the historic character, survival and date of farmsteads across the Peak District National Park.
- Part One - Background (2.5MB)
- Part Two - Mapping Methodology & Analysis (6.2MB)
Issues and Responses Report
This short report is a summary of the issues and drivers for change affecting the survival of farmsteads in the Peak District. It also contains research and management strategies.