Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan

A referendum asking ‘Do you want Staffordshire Moorlands District Council and the Peak District National Park Authority to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Leekfrith to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area’ took place on 6 May 2021. Over 50% of people voting said 'yes'. (One hundred (100) people voted ‘yes’ and seventeen (17) voted ‘no’.)
Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version
The following documents comprise information requested to be made public during the independent examination:
- Initial letter from the examiner
- Statement of conformity with NPPF 2019
- Letter from examiner seeking clarification of matters 3 December 2019
- Response to examiner letter dated 3 December 2019
The following documents comprise the submission from Leekfrith Parish Council:
- Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan
- Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement
- Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Statement
- Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Statement
- Leekfrith Neighbourhood Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Statement
The following representations were received by the Authority during the Regulation 16 consultation: