Standards and Governance

The Authority's Ethical Framework is the set of rules and procedures which set out the standards of behaviour that the Authority expects of its Members and employees. It also deals with the way in which Members and employees should relate to one another.
The Ethical Framework is made up of the following documents:
Standing Orders
Our Standing Orders set out how the Authority operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and that those who made the decisions are accountable to local people. Some of these procedures are required by law; others are a matter for the Authority to choose.
The Code of Conduct for Members
The Code of Conduct for Members sets out the standards of conduct that Members are required to adhere to whenever they are conducting the business of the Authority, whenever they are carrying out the business of the office to which they have been elected or appointed and when they are acting as a representative of the Authority.
Details of other Codes, Guidance and Protocols which provide guidance to Members is available in the section below.
We have another page on our website which provides more information on our approach to the standards regime following changes introduced by the Localism Act 2011 and information for potential complainants
The Protocol for Member/Employee Relations
The Protocol for Member/Employee Relations defines the way in which Authority Members and employees should relate to one another in carrying out their respective roles.
The principles underlying the protocol are that there must be mutual courtesy and respect between Members and employees and that Members and employees must carry out their respective duties in the best interests of the Council.
Payments made to Authority Members
The Authority has a Members' Allowances Scheme that sets out when payments can be made to Members and the amounts to be paid. At the end of each financial year the Authority publishes a summary of the payments made for that year.
The Allowances scheme was independently reviewed in September 2022 and changes to the scheme were approved. Details of the changes can be found in the Notice of Changes to the Scheme.
The Code of Conduct for Employees
The Code of Conduct for Employees sets out the standards of conduct that employees are required to adhere to whenever they are conducting the business of the Council, whenever they are carrying out the business of the office to which they have been appointed and when they are acting as a representative of the Council.
The Local Code of Corporate Governance
The Local Code of Corporate Governance contains the fundamental principles of good corporate governance which are openness, accountability and integrity. These principles are reflected in:
- relationships with the local community
- service delivery arrangements
- structures and processes and
- the conduct of Members and employees
The code sets out how the National Park Authority has achieved this and the steps we intend to take to ensure continual improvement in this essential area.
Other supporting codes and protocols
We are developing a series of codes and protocols to assist Members and employees in their work. Prominent among these are:
Protocol on Planning and Planning Policy
The Protocol on Planning and Planning Policy is designed to assist and protect Members during their involvement in the various stages of the planning process. The purpose of the protocol is to supplement the existing Members' Code of Conduct which all Members have agreed to observe in a written undertaking.
Monitoring Officer Protocol
The Monitoring Officer Protocol covers statutory responsibilities and working arrangements.
Advice for Representatives on Outside Bodies
The Advice for Representatives on Outside Bodies provides support and guidance for the Authority's representatives serving on outside bodies.
Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy
Good Corporate Governance requires that the Authority must demonstrate clearly that it is firmly committed to dealing with fraud and corruption and will deal equally with perpetrators from inside (members and employees) and outside the Authority.
Our Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy embodies a series of measures designed to frustrate any attempted fraudulent or corrupt act and the steps to be taken if such action occurs.
Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowers) Policy
Whistleblowing is a way for employees and contractors to raise reasonably and honestly held concerns they may have about serious matters that could put the Authority and/or the wider public at risk.
Whistleblowing involves bringing forward concerns that it is in the public interest to investigate and resolve. Examples are crime, fraud, the giving or taking of bribes, financial malpractice or practices that might endanger individuals or the environment.
A separate process exists for members of the public who should raise their concerns through our Complaints/Have your Say Procedures.
Our Confidential Reporting Policy provides guidance on how individuals can raise concerns and confirms the protection and support available if they do.